Baked Doughnuts with Peach Honey Glaze

My passion for healthy baking lead to me to do the unthinkable - baking the doughnuts.Thankfully I wasn't the first one to be thinking of doughnuts with a healthier profile.There were quite a few recipes available on searching,Heidi's stood out on the top,I follow her method closely,although the ingredients vary a little.

Among the changes to the original recipe,I mixed in some whole wheat pastry(gotta have the fiber).Then the fat had to be in moderation too ,so combining butter and oil eased the fat calories furthermore.

The fresh fruit and honey glaze makes all the difference,without the glaze these wouldn't be as attractive and appetizing.Choose an intensely fruity glaze to add that essential layer of flavor.

The only downside,these not as moist as deep fried so cannot be stored for weeks,best if consumed the same day,or in a day or two.If that doesn't seem possible ,bake them in smaller batches instead.

Recipe: Baked Donuts with Peach Honey Glaze.
Makes a dozen large donuts
2 1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/4 cups reduced fat milk(can also use almond or soy milk),divided
1 packet(2 teaspoon) active dry yeast
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoon organic butter or virgin pressed coconut oil,melted
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 organic eggs
1/8 teaspoon salt
For the peach honey glaze
4 ripe peaches,cored and chopped
1/2 cup Pure Organic honey
2 tablespoon Organic butter or virgin pressed coconut oil

Warm about a cup of milk in the microwave for 20-25 seconds(warm to touch ,about 100F).Stir in the yeast and sugar,let get frosty,takes 10 minutes.
Beat the eggs in a bowl,whisk in rest of the milk ,butter and olive oil.In a large mixing bowl,combine flour,eggs and yeast mixture,until dough comes together smooth and supple,add more flour if needed.Cover the bowl and set in warm corner,let rise until double in size,about 1-2 hours.

Punch the air out of the dough,transfer on a lightly floured work surface.Divide in to about 4 portions.Roll out each portion about 1/2 inch thick,cut out circles using a 3 inch cookie cutter.To make the hole in the center use a smaller cutter.Make the center hole is big enough or might shut close when proofing.Finish cutting out the doughnuts from the rest of the dough.Lay them on a baking sheet,cover with kitchen towel and let rise(proof) for another 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375F.Bake the doughnuts until bottoms are lightly brown,about 10-12 minutes.Cool on rack before glazing.

Prepare the glaze,by melting the butter or coconut oil in a large saucepan,add the peaches and cook until soft,about 5-6 minutes.Stir in the honey towards the end.Blend in a food processor until smooth.

Dip both sides of the baked douts in the warm glaze.Serve immediately.Could be refrigerated in air tight container for a day or two,but tastes best the same day.

The holey temptation without the guilt - these are half the calories than there deep fried overly sweet counterparts,a reason enough to wholly enjoy them.

The doughnuts are now a part of Yeast Spotting.


Satya said…
wow its a superb version of doughnuts ..looks sooooo delicious n awesome from long i am planning to prepare the doughnut ,thank u yasmeen of this wonderful recipe ..very well explained too ,i will try this soon..

Umm Mymoonah said…
Your healthy version of baked doughnuts looks really good, peach glaze looks so glossy and yummy.
Prema said…
Doughnuts luks perfect,healthy to follow.
Priya Suresh said…
Prefectly backed doughnuts..such a healthy version,love it..beautiful glaze too..
Indian Khana said…
Baking is such a great idea...loved it Yasmeen....looks so delish
Kiran said…
Very delicious and healthy doughnuts.Love the fruit glaze.Very nice pics.
ann low said…
WOW..looks so good, delicious and healthy.
Wonderful doughnuts! I love that glaze.


RV said…
Delicious looking doughnuts..I seriously don't have courage to make doughnuts at home.. you are amazing Yasmeen. Thanks for this recipe.
PJ said…
interesting recipe and a nice healthy variation on the old favorite. i'll have to try this soon.
oh wow baked donut .. delicious idea yasmeen.. will try this out some time.
Joanne said…
Total yum! That peach honey glaze sounds like pure heaven. I think I woudl like these more than "normal" donuts!
Hamaree Rasoi said…
what a beautiful glaze!!! Baking these is really a nice and healthy idea...

Hamaree Rasoi
Wow those doughnuts look delectable dear...healthy one indeeed
Bergamot said…
Lovely doughnuts...and I agree that these are much better than the fried donuts you would normally get.
i dont make doughnuts just because the whole frying puts me off...this is a nice idea..2 bake it...thanks for posting
Anonymous said…
These are so good. I have a mini donut pan at home, maybe I will try making some. They are much better for you than the fried version.
*kisses* HH
Niloufer Riyaz said…
thank u yasmeen for sharing a healthier version to the fried doughnuts
As much as possible, I try to get away from frying...especially dessert types. The fact that you baked these is absolutely fantastic. The glaze in certainly the bonus ;o)

Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,
aipi said…
doughnuts and healthy.. wow!! looooooved it.. bookmarked :-) btw thanks 4 dropping by my blog.. you have a lovely space here . do keep in touch !
Swathi said…
Baked doughnuts is wonderful idea, usually i will stay away from doughnuts because of its calories and sugar.
"Guppy" Honaker said…
I haven't had a doughnut in a few years now because I have to get away from deep-fried foods. I LOVE THIS BLOG! It wuold never have entered my mind that great doughnuts could also be baked. I love that you use whole wheat in your recipe. I grind my own wheat and use it fresh in my breads and other foods. (Freshly ground whole wheat also makes a great soup thickener.) Thank you Yasmeen, thank you! I saw this blog first a week or two ago. Now I realize, I need to come back each and every day!

- David

Aloe Vera 101
Holistic Health Info.
Reshmi Ahmed said…
i always wanted to try it out but didnt because of that unhealthy frying process...thank you for posting this healthy baking recipe :) inshallah shall try it....
CurryLeaf said…
Healthy Doughnuts Yasmeen.I was planning to make a baked version as well.Excellent
Unknown said…
That's a first Yasmeen, wow, a baked donut, it makes it soooooooo less sinful but same delish :)
Aazar Ali Shad said…
Hi Yasmeen.. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I loved it.Yes, we should only give to those who deserve it. Secondly, we need to wake their conscience . I am following you. Hope you will do the same :D
Mimi said…
Your baked doughnuts look very tasty.
Unknown said…
Beautifully glazed donuts, what a creative recipe! I would like to try baked donuts, my mother made us fried(old fashioned style) donuts for a treat when we were growing up so homemade donuts always look good to me!
I've been contemplating this since the food blog donut craze, but decided it might be a bit weird to bake donuts. You've inspired me though--these are back on my list.
Mona said…
Yasmeen, those baked doughnuts look so tempting! Wonderful job to give them a healthy twist with a pairing of a fruity topping.
Shama Nagarajan said…
wow.. we love doughnuts...nice one
looks delicious and awesome ....mputhwatering treat to the fav..healhty baked DN
Baked doughnuts???? Brilliant!

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
Sweet Artichoke said…
OMG, this peach honey glaze is Gorgeous! would love to taste it :-)
Unknown said… really loving that glaze..
Sarah said…
Drooling...looks absolutely sensational.
Jamie said…
Delcious baked donuts.The glaze peachy glaze is unlike any I have ever tasted.
Mimi said…
I baked the recipe from the KAF site. Those were ok. Yours look much more promising. They have a really nice crumb. I love the idea of a fruit and honey glaze.
I don't like doughnuts. I really don't. The fact that they are deep fried creates greater aversion for me.But this just is making me re think. Scrumptious isn't the word enough!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Blogger said…
3 Studies SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

The meaning of this is that you actually burn fat by consuming Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

These 3 researches from big medical magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
Wow superr!! thanks for sharing.. 😊 Nice
Marathi Recipe

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