Black Seeds : A cure for every disease except death. How to Best consume it ?

"A cure for every disease except death." (Sahih Bukhari)
[Saying of Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from the most authentic collection of hadith]

Word of caution: No mention of black seed oil in the Hadith. So please use the seeds for best results.

Black seeds are known by different names :

* Kalonji in Asian cooking
* Onions Seeds
* Nigella Stevia Seeds
* Black Seeds
* Black Caraway Seeds
* Black Cumin Seeds

Black seeds have proven to cure many diseases including Cancer ,diabetes ,asthma, maintaining hair/skin health ,weight loss and much more, if consumed in right amounts and correct way consistently. Remember too much can be harmful!
[Prophetic Medicine , Nature's Miracle Remedy]

Black Seeds : A cure for every disease except death. How to Best consume it ?
Watch the Video to see some of the ways to incorporated Black seeds in our diet : 

Narrations for Black Seed

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that she heard the Messenger (saw) say, "This black seed is a cure for every disease except death. " [Saheeh al-Bukharee (5687)].
Khalid bin Sa'd (ra) said, "We went out and with us was Ghalib bin Abjar (ra). He fell sick along the way and when we came to al-Madinah, he was sick. Ibn Abu 'Atiq (ra) came to visit him and said to us, 'You should use this black seed. Take five or seven (seeds) and grind them then apply them to his nostrils with drops of olive oil on this side and on this side for Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated to them that she heard the Messenger (saw) say, "This black seed is a cure for every disease except death." [Saheeh Sunan ibn Majah (3449)].


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