Thyme was one of the few herbs that survived despite my poor gardening skills.The lush green fragrant herb made in to many dishes including soups,stews and finally in this scrumptious shortbread recipe.

Shortbread or crackers?,depends on how thin the dough is rolled.Thinner for crackers and thicker for shortbread.Butter is replaced with fruity olive oil and the aroma of fresh thyme is the most apparent in the flavor,these are a perfect accompaniment with warming soups.
Recipe :Thyme Shortbread
Yields over a dozen rectangular shortbread
1 3/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour(fine ground)
6-8 sprigs of fresh thyme,leaves separated
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon brown sugar or 2 teaspoon agave nectar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoon cold water
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Prepare the dough by combining all the ingredients either in large mixing bowl or in food processor,do not over mix.Cover the dough and set in fridge for 30 minutes.
Divide the dough in to 2 portions. Take one portion at a time and roll in to 1/4 inch thick rectangular sheet. Place on a greased baking sheet.Score the rolled dough(can use a pizza cutter) on the sheet in to rectangular or square shapes.
Place on a baking sheet,bake for about 15-18 minutes while keeping a close eye until golden brown on the edges.Cool on rack before storing in a tight jar.Good for a week,but tastes best on same day baked.

Hosting Weekend Herb Blogging #254

I'll be hosting the Weekend Herb Blogging event for the week(October 4th-10th).Share your unusual delicious foods.Talk about the one unique ingredient used and please keep the entries exclusive(cannot be sent to other food events).For more rules check here and send your entries to YasmeenHealthnut AT gmail DOT com.
Hamaree Rasoi
Tasty Appetite
I mailed you my contribution to WHB earlier in the week. Let me know if you have not received it. Looking forward to the roundup.
- David
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits
Holistic Nutrition and Health
I had some lemon olive oil that I thought would work really well in shortbread and tried this recipe replacing the sugar with honey and thyme with mint. Even after adding some extra water and honey, the dough was very crumbly. It came out looking much more like cracker meal than crackers or shortbread - Did you really use whole wheat flour?